Local Parks in Erie County, Ohio
Name: Birmingham School Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/birmingham
External Link: Birmingham School
Name: Castilla Fish Hatchery
Website: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/fisheries-management
External Link: Castilla Fish Hatchery
Name: Castilla Quarry Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/castalia-quarry
External Link: astilla Quarry Metropark
Name: The Coupling Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/the-coupling
External Link: The Coupling Metropark
Name: East Sandusky Bay Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/esb-metropark
External Link: East Sandusky Bay Metropark
Name: Edison Woods Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/edison-woods-metropark
External Link: Edison Woods Metropark
Name: Huron River Greenway Metropark
Location: Along Huron River, North of Milan Ohio
Website: http://www.milanarea.com/hrgreenway.htm
External Link: Huron River Greenway Metropark
Name: Hoffman Forest Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/hoffman-forest-metropark
External Link: Hoffman Forest Metropark
Name: James H. McBride Arboretum
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/jma
External Link: James H. McBride Arboretum
Name: Milan Towpath Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/milan-towpath-metropark
External Link: Milan Towpath Metropark
Name: Osborn Metropark
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/osborn-metropark
External Link: Osborn Metropark
Name: Pelton Park
Phone: (419) 625-7783
Website: http://eriemetroparks.org/post/pelton-park
External Link: Pelton Park
Name: Pipe Creek State Wildlife Area
Location: Sandusky, Ohio
Website: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/pipecreek
External Link: Pipe Creek State Wildlife Area